A Return to Localism? Beyond the Local Farmers Market

By Brian | June 15, 2020

A Return to Localism? Beyond the Local Farmers Market I, for one, welcome the current emphasis, due to the close of international borders, on shopping and travelling locally. I have long been interested in strong communities and having economic benefit them rather than ending in the hands of corporates or heading offshore. But how far [...]

The Folly of Back to Normal

By Brian | June 5, 2020

The Folly of Back to Normal Turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or read somewhat anything from some mainstream commentator regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and the talk will invariably come to “getting back to normal”. And secretly, or not so secretly that is what most of us desire. We want our lives to [...]

The Great Unravelling

By Brian | May 7, 2020

The Great Unravelling To be fair, I am not the first to use the term, “The Great Unravelling”. However, this is the best term to describe what I see happening both in New Zealand and around the world. Most people would not have thought that what we are presently witnessing would even be possible in [...]

New Zealand Tourism – A New Path Required

By Brian | April 15, 2020

New Zealand Tourism – A New Path Required What will the New Zealand Tourism Industry look like come Spring 2020? Following the COVID-19 epidemic that is presently shutting down country after country, there has been no shortage of pundits and media commentators forecasting doom for the industry. Many of these commentators may be right about [...]

It Never Comes Back – Ever!

By Brian | April 9, 2020

It Never Comes Back – Ever! I thought I would share a few thoughts about what can be, in some circumstances, the realities of compromise, especially as it pertains to the impact of our economy and society on the rest of the earth. What triggered these thoughts was thinking about a conversation that I had [...]

Giving It a Go. Steps to Taking Back Your Own Food Supply

By Brian | April 3, 2020

Giving It a Go. Steps to Taking Back Your Own Food Supply Ever since I was in my late teen years, I have been interested in resiliency, self-sufficiency and all that sort of “stuff”. With the current crisis, that interest now serves myself, family and friends in good steed. New Zealand is in lockdown, (self-isolation [...]

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