Diversity, Diversity, Diversity

By Brian Megaw | January 15, 2021

A couple of days ago, I was the shuttle driver. Nicola and an old friend Daryll were scoping out a different route for the next 8 day River Valley Ride. Nicola has changed the route each departure – this will be the fourth such departure – as she attempts to find just the right mix [...]

Could Greenpeace Step Up for the Future of Wool?

By Brian Megaw | December 11, 2020

In the early 1980s, I was a sheep shearer. Over those few years in my early twenties, I shore about 30,000 sheep annually. It was a good time to be a shearer. There were plenty of sheep to shear, and mostly those sheep, due to the government of the days' subsidy to farmers called the [...]

It Has Been a Bit of a Wild Spring. How is Summer Looking?

By Brian Megaw | December 6, 2020

It has been a wild spring. While days of Spring in New Zealand can always contain four seasons in one day, this Spring regularly has really lurched right across the full gambit. We have had a handful of scorching days. We have had a bunch of damn cold days – especially for the time of [...]

Incomplete Ecosystems

By Brian Megaw | November 28, 2020

I have recently been reading “The Shepherd’s Life: A Tale of the Lakes District” by James Rebanks. An excellent read by the way. The book is the story of James growing up, and then farming on his own on the Lakes District of Northern England. What became clear to me while reading this book was [...]

Coming Clean for Audits

By Brian Megaw | November 16, 2020

I have to come clean right at the beginning here and say I do not look forward to audits. With this in mind, I have to admit that while still requiring a great deal of preparatory work, the audits we have had of late were substantially more positive affairs than what I would have expected [...]

The Whole of It

By Brian Megaw | November 2, 2020

Over the last year or two, the term “Regenerative Agriculture” has been making some headlines, both in rural and general media. There has of course been the inevitable backlash from many in the establishment. As with any new idea in any field that gains support, other people who are either benefiting from the current system [...]

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thelodge@rivervalley.co.nz / 0800 248666