More Than Navel Gazing
More than Navel Gazing 80% - 90% of our customers at River Valley, before Covid-19 were from overseas. That is a significant statistic when you are planning on how to survive with the current closure of borders. Added to this is the question of no one knowing when they are likely to reopen. In answer [...]
Some Ideas Around Holidaying at Home
Some Ideas Around Holidaying at Home Over the years there have been several media campaigns in New Zealand aiming to get New Zealanders to explore their own country before heading off on holiday overseas. The best-remembered of these had the slogan, "Don't leave town until you've seen the country." Even more valid now than it [...]
What Do You Value?
What Do You Value? Do you feel like giving us some help? We would really appreciate it if you could. As a society, we are even now being prepared for what happens after we come out of lockdown, following the COVID-19 pandemic. Words and statements such as “unprecedented”, “massive economic impact”, “could be like the [...]