We’ve Gone To The Birds

By Brian | March 20, 2018

On Wednesday the 7th March 2018 I journeyed to Elsthorpe in central Hawkes Bay to pick up the latest River Valley employees. I had been planning on employing a bunch of these guys for quite some time, even though some well meaning people had tried to dissuade me on the grounds of observed behavioural issues. […]

Working On It!

By Brian | March 18, 2018

Working On It! The Sustainable Commitment recently put out by the Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) is a very worthwhile statement of intent, so in this blog I thought I would briefly outline how River Valley (one of the early signers) measures up in one of the four areas. That area is Environment. In addition to […]

A New Zealand Pledge?

By Brian Megaw | March 6, 2018

A New Zealand Pledge? Much is made within the New Zealand Tourism industry of the concept of Manaakitanga. Manaakitanga is the Maori word used to describe the concept of Host Responsibility. But more than this, it is about being welcoming and having the interests of our guests at heart. It is about sharing and showing [...]

Categries: Blog

All In The Family

By Brian Megaw | February 18, 2018

All In The Family Four guides, three passenger rafts, one very loaded gear raft, two inflatable kayaks, plus, eight adults and eight very excited children! For a number of years we have been steadily growing the multi day river trip side of our rafting operation. This growth has involved both a greater range of trips [...]

Categries: Blog

Time For A Cultural Reboot?

By Brian Megaw | February 4, 2018

Time For A Cultural Reboot? Each Wednesday night during school terms I attend a Te Reo (Maori language) class in Taihape. I have to admit, with only 2 hours of instruction per week it may be quite some time before I become a fluent speaker - years in fact. However, there is another benefit to [...]

Categries: Blog

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

By Brian Megaw | January 28, 2018

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants I don't know about you, but I have found various people throughout my life to be inspirational. This inspiration has lead me to investigate and research all sorts of unexpected turns and paths, most of which were interesting, but not applicable to my current situation at the time. Others [...]

Categries: Blog

Are We Silent About The Things That Matter?

By Brian Megaw | January 22, 2018

Are We Silent About The Things That Matter? 100% Pure, one of the most successful tourism marketing campaigns ever. Yes, the New Zealand tourism industry has basked in the glow of this campaign and reaped the benefits. But a question we must ask ourselves, how much are we doing, that is, what the tourism industry [...]

Categries: Blog

The River Valley Path to Being Regenerative

By Brian Megaw | January 17, 2018

The River Valley Path to Being Regenerative The Influence of Waves It is impossible to talk about being a regenerative company, especially one that operates in a rural area, without acknowledging the impact of agriculture, and the effect that has on the land, and communities. Agricultural development underwent a number of waves (depending on location). [...]

Categries: Blog

What Does A Healthy Rural Landscape Look Like?

By Brian Megaw | January 7, 2018

What Does A Healthy Rural Landscape Look Like? My last blog ended with the question, "Are we just being romantics?" Is our desire to have our grandchildren inherit a healthy biodiverse landscape, and be a part of a diverse, fun, creative rural community just a romantic dream? The Second Law of Thermodynamics The second law [...]

Categries: Blog

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Speak to one of our friendly adventure consultants who would love to help you out.
thelodge@rivervalley.co.nz / 0800 248666