Logis Hotels – an Alternative Future for the Classic New Zealand Country Pub

By Brian | February 8, 2020

Logis Hotels – an alternative future for the classic New Zealand country pub Recently we were visited by a small group of people in their vintage cars, including a very old Rolls Royce. It is quite surprising to me how often we do get visited by people driving vintage cars. Sometimes they are on tour [...]

An Unexpected Bonus

By Brian | January 30, 2020

An Unexpected Bonus Many farms in our district also incorporate areas of production forests, mostly smaller blocks of Radiate Pine trees. When these trees are harvested, generally at around to 25 to 30 years of age, there can be quite a lot of disruption to farming operations – and also in some cases, adventure tourism [...]

An Early Season for the Duckie

By Brian | January 26, 2020

An Early Season for the Duckie A good seasonal indication for the amount of rain we have had here at River Valley, and more importantly, how much there has been in the headwaters of the Rangitikei River up in the Kaimanawa ranges is the date that we roll out the duckies. Our duckie trips require [...]

Imminent Doom

By Brian | January 19, 2020

Living in Interesting Times We live in interesting times, of that there can be no doubt. How many other generations also believed they lived in interesting times? Most no doubt. However, the enormity of what is happening in our times is unparalleled. Yet, on a personal level, I struggle to balance what I have researched, [...]

Economic Multipliers – The Economic Effects of Tourism in Rural Areas

By Brian | January 12, 2020

Economic Multipliers – The Economic Effects of Tourism in Rural Areas I have to be honest and say that sometimes I do quite like “geeky” stuff. You know, things like the latest research into all sorts of subjects, facts and figures and so on. Well one somewhat geeky subject that has always both concerned me [...]

River Valley Happenings of 2019

By Brian | January 5, 2020

River Valley Happenings of 2019 So much of our lives, we are constantly looking forward. Planning this, building that, New Year's resolutions, this year is going to be much better than the previous year. And so on. However, how often do we spend time looking back? Treasuring the highlights, remembering the low points, and feeling [...]

What a Load of Bollocks, Food Police and Raw Milk

By Brian | December 29, 2019

What a Load of Bollocks, Food Police and Raw Milk How much personal responsibility should I be allowed to decide what sorts of food I eat or drink? A few days ago, I read an article that got me thinking about this on news website Stuff. The article covered a series of raids by MPI [...]

Christmas Mullings

By Brian | December 20, 2019

Christmas Mullings And in a heartbeat, it is Christmas yet again. Where does the year go? Beneath the retail frenzy and the never-ending messages that buying bigger gifts leads to more happiness and feelings of self-worth, there is another side to Christmas. For me, this other side is the chance to catch my breath and [...]


By Brian | December 14, 2019

Wellness A few days ago, I was at our local primary school (ages 5 to 13 years), Pukeokahu Primary. The reason for my visit was to watch the process whereby the school passed its assessment from Bronze to Silver Enviro School – which they did. It was great to see the enthusiasm that the pupils [...]

Ethically Bankrupt Organisations

By Brian | December 5, 2019

Ethically Bankrupt Organisations I recently read a post on Facebook from Riverford, a large organic vegetable and fruit supplier and grower in the UK. I follow Riverford, and while being in New Zealand, I cannot buy their produce, I admire many of the initiatives they are taking, both environmentally and socially. This particular post was [...]

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Have any questions?

Speak to one of our friendly adventure consultants who would love to help you out.
thelodge@rivervalley.co.nz / 0800 248666