The River Valley Ride

By Brian | February 22, 2020

Doubting Thomas Eats Humble Pie After several years of planning, more than a few doubts – as much from husbands (such as me) as anybody else, the first River Valley 8 Day Ride concluded on Monday with many a very happy rider. This multi-day horse trek, which has been my wife, Nicola’s, project, has taken [...]

An Early Season for the Duckie

By Brian | January 26, 2020

An Early Season for the Duckie A good seasonal indication for the amount of rain we have had here at River Valley, and more importantly, how much there has been in the headwaters of the Rangitikei River up in the Kaimanawa ranges is the date that we roll out the duckies. Our duckie trips require [...]

River Valley Happenings of 2019

By Brian | January 5, 2020

River Valley Happenings of 2019 So much of our lives, we are constantly looking forward. Planning this, building that, New Year's resolutions, this year is going to be much better than the previous year. And so on. However, how often do we spend time looking back? Treasuring the highlights, remembering the low points, and feeling [...]

Who Works at River Valley?

By Brian | December 1, 2019

Who Works at River Valley? I often get asked, well almost told that most of our staff would be transitory backpackers, wouldn’t they be? The person making the query is most surprised when I tell them, that no, other than the occasional wwoofer, (we call them cuzzies), all the staff are paid employees, and most [...]

Like Good Cheese and Fine Wine. It All Takes Time

By Brian | November 16, 2019

Like Good Cheese and Fine Wine. It All Takes Time Last week we had a meeting with an architect friend of Janey’s. Up for discussion were some ideas around changes to the main Lodge building. These proposed changes include a revamp of the kitchen and bar working areas, and also changes to the customer dining [...]

River Valley, Kiwi Experience and Relationships

By Brian | October 19, 2019

River Valley, Kiwi Experience and Relationships On Saturday night, the 12th October, Nicola, Janey, Tom and I went to the Kiwi Experience Birthday party held in Auckland. This party, which was quite a big fun affair, celebrated the 30th birthday of the company that has become New Zealand’s leading hop on, hop off, adventure travel [...]

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