The Gentle Annie and Concept Number 2

By Brian Megaw | March 2, 2022

The Gentle Annie and Concept Number 2 An old saying is that the best laid plans seldom survive their first brush with reality. So has been the case with our original plans for a set date departure for our Gentle Annie Cycle Journey. Our idea was a departure in March and another at an undetermined [...]

The Gentle Annie Cycle Journey

By Brian Megaw | January 20, 2022

The Gentle Annie Cycle Journey Many of you will know that we received the first of our new Giant E-Bikes in December. Since then, the bikes have been in regular use, mainly as freedom hires. How far do most people ride? A popular loop has been what we call the Tour de Moawhango. This route, [...]

After the Darkness of Winter and Lockdowns, We All Need Time in Nature

By Brian Megaw | September 17, 2021

After the darkness of winter and the frustrations of Covid induced lockdowns, it is that time of year when our thoughts inevitably move towards the warm long days of summer. For the team at River Valley, warmer days and more sunshine lead to thoughts of multi-day river trips! We cannot be the only people with [...]

A Day on the Whanganui River in a Dory

By Brian Megaw | February 25, 2021

My warm sleeping bag and comfy sleeping pad feel like the place to stay this early in the morning. But it is 6.15 am, at this time of year still not quite light, but if we are to be underway on the river by 8.30, then I need to get going. Even this early, it [...]

Genuineness and Generosity

By Brian Megaw | January 22, 2021

The group on our latest 8 day River Valley Ride at Moawhango Marae Part of the River Valley Ride, an 8 day horse trek operated by River Valley Stables and run in conjunction with international horse riding holiday company, Globetrotting, is an overnight stay at a Marae. For those readers who do not know what [...]

It Has Been a Bit of a Wild Spring. How is Summer Looking?

By Brian Megaw | December 6, 2020

It has been a wild spring. While days of Spring in New Zealand can always contain four seasons in one day, this Spring regularly has really lurched right across the full gambit. We have had a handful of scorching days. We have had a bunch of damn cold days – especially for the time of [...]

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