Building A Community?

By Brian | October 29, 2018

Building a Community? That healthy communities, and recognition of the interconnectedness of communities, is critical as we go on as a human civilisation I would have thought is a given. But first, let me make it clear that when I say communities I mean all communities, both human and non-human. As far as this post [...]

The Bigger Better Vegetable Garden

By Brian | October 14, 2018

The Bigger, Better, Vegetable Garden If you have either visited River Valley in recent years, or been following us online, you will know that a strong part of our ethic is attempting to be a regenerative business. A business that has a primary aim to benefit the land, nature, local community, family, staff and our [...]

Extreme Weather Events

By Brian | September 13, 2018

Extreme Weather Events In what increasingly appears to be the new order of things, last week (4th & 5th September 2018) the Ruahine Range on the central North Island of New Zealand was hit by another weather bomb. Originally the weather forecast only mentioned snow to 800m or 900m. This spring snowfall was only ever [...]

You “Liked” That? So What!

By Brian | August 31, 2018

You “Liked” that? So What! Social Media is a great platform for articulating your views. But think about this. How often do you click the “like” button for things that resonate with you. How often do we show our support or agreement by clicking a thumbs up, or when we really like something, we share [...]

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