From Zero to Ten is Huge!

By Brian Megaw | April 25, 2022

From Zero to Ten is Huge! For the last decade or more, a dedicated group of volunteers have been sacrificing their weekends to take to the bush, and around here, that means the steep and rugged Ruahine Ranges. However, they are not sacrificing their weekends just for some ramble through the woods. Instead, they have [...]

I Want to Have a Big Environmental Footprint

By Brian Megaw | April 20, 2022

I Want to Have a Big Environmental Footprint What would you think if someone said to you they wanted to have a big, in fact, a massive environmental footprint? Your first reaction would probably be to wonder exactly what was going on in that person’s head. After all, don’t the recommendations of the IPCC and [...]

The Opportunities for Beauty

By Brian Megaw | March 21, 2022

The Opportunities for Beauty I have never been convinced that New Zealand's climate change obligations can be at least partially met by the blanketing of our landscape in the ugliness of monoculture pine trees. It is not just the monotony of this type of forestry, but also, as I see it, there are so many [...]

The Gentle Annie and Concept Number 2

By Brian Megaw | March 2, 2022

The Gentle Annie and Concept Number 2 An old saying is that the best laid plans seldom survive their first brush with reality. So has been the case with our original plans for a set date departure for our Gentle Annie Cycle Journey. Our idea was a departure in March and another at an undetermined [...]

Into the Dark

By Brian Megaw | February 24, 2022

Into the Dark How do we value that which may be lost forever? Extinction – a situation in which something no longer exists (Cambridge Dictionary) For many people, extinction is just another word. I have had several conversations around this subject and especially thought about it more as I cleared stoat traps yesterday on a [...]

Reflections on Contrasts

By Brian Megaw | February 15, 2022

Reflections on Contrasts What a difference a few days make! A little over ten days ago, the primary weather concern in our area of the world was an unfolding drought. The landscape was parched, turning from that lovely golden summer brown to the grey-brown of dust. Trees were quickly becoming the only green things to [...]

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