Find Me a River, The Ultimate Family Holiday

By Brian | August 15, 2020

Find Me a River, The Ultimate Family Holiday This summer, picture you and the family on a river. Multi-day river trips have long been a favourite family vacation at many destinations overseas. These types of trips vary from just a couple of nights out, to epic adventures that can last 20 days or more, such [...]

The Ancient Art of Tree Crops

By Brian | August 7, 2020

The Ancient Art of Tree Crops Every winter, we plant trees. These days not hundreds of plants, we have run out of space, but rather specific trees for specific purposes. In the last few days, we finished planting a hillside with Thornless Honey Locust trees – (Gleditsia Triacanthos f.Inermis) along with a handful of White [...]

8 Billion Humans are Totally Reliant on Healthy Ecosystems

By Brian | July 14, 2020

8 Billion Humans are Totally Reliant on Healthy Ecosystems I came across this concept the other day, can’t remember where, but it immediately made an impression on me. It goes like this. All of us, close on 8 billion human beings on this planet, rely on healthy ecosystems to survive. We rely on healthy ecosystems [...]

Spring 2020. The Return of the Weekend Warrior

By Brian | June 29, 2020

Spring 2020. The Return of the Weekend Warrior 1988 and the rafting season was pumping. Well, pumping (busy) that is, for that time and place. Set out below is what a typical week looked like for a rafting and adventure lodge business in those times: Monday – housekeeping, cleaning up after the weekend Tuesday – [...]

The River Valley Ride

By Brian | February 22, 2020

Doubting Thomas Eats Humble Pie After several years of planning, more than a few doubts – as much from husbands (such as me) as anybody else, the first River Valley 8 Day Ride concluded on Monday with many a very happy rider. This multi-day horse trek, which has been my wife, Nicola’s, project, has taken [...]

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