The Gentle Annie Cycle Journey

By Brian Megaw | January 20, 2022

The Gentle Annie Cycle Journey Many of you will know that we received the first of our new Giant E-Bikes in December. Since then, the bikes have been in regular use, mainly as freedom hires. How far do most people ride? A popular loop has been what we call the Tour de Moawhango. This route, [...]


By Brian Megaw | December 28, 2021

Hope I am writing this in that space of a few days between Christmas and New Year. Why I am writing is to reach out to those who follow River Valley and thank you for your support over yet another challenging year. While most of you may not have had the opportunity to visit, knowing [...]

E-Bikes at The Valley

By Brian Megaw | December 16, 2021

E-Bikes at The Valley I went for a ride on my e-bike yesterday morning. It was a 24 km run, around to the small village of Moawhango. A ride on an e-bike at that time of day through the beautiful countryside of our area in the northern Rangitikei District was something to really put a [...]

Respect Goes Both Ways

By Brian Megaw | December 1, 2021

Respect Goes Both Ways Recently the New Zealand government came out with a new system of covid alert levels called the traffic light system. This new system will come into effect on the 3rd December 2021. There are plenty of details online about how it works in general, so I will not take up any [...]

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