A Water Conservation Order on the Ngaruroro River?
During Labour Weekend just gone – October 22nd and 23rd 2016 – myself, Janey and Eddie were lucky enough to help organise and run a special overnight trip on the Ngaruroro River in Hawkes Bay.
The occasion for this trip was a celebration of the first hurdles being achieved in eventually obtaining a Water Conservation Order for the upper reaches of this river.
This is a definition of aWater Conservation Order:
“A WCO is the highest level of protection that can be afforded to any water body, preserving its outstanding natural values for all freshwater fish, wildlife, outdoor recreation and generations to enjoy.”
Another way of describing a WCO is to liken it to a National Park status for a river.
This section of river truly deserves a status such as this. The scenery is ruggedly beautiful. There is a true sense of isolation and wilderness, and for the white water junkie, plenty of Grade 2 and 3 rapids. Add to this a beautiful campsite, and on our trip, a bunch of committed and interesting people.
Many of these people had worked hard to get the proposal for a WCO for this river to this stage. The organisations represented included, the local Maori iwi,Fish and Game New Zealand,Forest and Bird, theMinistry for the Environment,White Water New Zealand. Helping out with some of the logistics wasMohaka Rafting, and then of course there was us from River Valley.
We hope that all their efforts will ensure that the Ngaruroro becomes New Zealand’s 16th river designated with a Water Conservation Order.
I have been down this river a number of times and it is one of my favorites for a two day trip.
If you want to see for yourself what the fuss is about, then we do offer trips from October to mid December. You can findmore information here, orsend us an email, or phone 0800 248666.

The Ngaruroro River is home to long series of Grade 2 and 3 rapids. Fun!

Wilderness and Rapids, what more can a rafter wish for?